Helping yourself develop autonomy.


Growing up can be hard but throughout the way we find things that make life a little bit easier, either it is some very close friends, family or things we like to do. One of the best things you can do when you are young is stumble into cooking.  Cooking can help you out in a lot of things, first of all it distracts you from everyday problems like school. When you cook and you are focused on what you are doing you forget everything. Cooking lets you explore new passions and be brave, you can experiment with a lot of things, think of the kitchen like a culinary playground. Not only this helps you have fun while learning new things, cooking teaches you life long skills like; time management, affective skills, organizational skills and such thing as patience. You need to apply all of this skills to everyday situations in a normal life. Cooking also lets you experience failure and learn to accpet consequences, for example, you used too much sugar in a lemonade and it is basically undrinkable, or you put way too much salt whe you seasoned the chicken. Small things like this help you know what you did wrong so you don't do it again in another time. In the kitchen you will also learn how to make quick and effective skills, this applies for everything in life, because life is just a massive cycle of making choices, you can make the right ones or go the other way. I hope this text inspires you to take cooking seriously and as a way of learning life long skills and prepare you for the future. 
